Workout Finishers & What You Need to Know!

At SSP, we like to wrap up our sessions with an optional last section called a workout finisher. It’s a quick, targeted section tailored to your goals—whether you want to boost your conditioning or work on specific muscle groups, we want you to leave feeling good! In this email, we’ll break down how finishers work, why and when we do them.

What Are Finishers?

Finishers are a fun way to wrap up your workout with an added challenge. They’re not part of the main progressive program, so they don’t follow the same structure as the rest of your session. Instead, think of them as a little extra spice—something to push you just a bit further, depending on your goals.

Why We Add Finishers

As Coach Sam says: “First and foremost, finish your main workout! Finishers are meant to be fun and extra on top of the main portion. They’re generally not progressive (unless we’re working on something specific).”

Coach Nat adds: “I like to think of finishers as the cherry on top—a way to send you out the door on a high note. It’s a chance to add a little more of what you want or need.”

So, while finishers aren’t 100% necessary, they are a great way to challenge yourself or focus on something specific that ties into your goals. Plus, they can be a fun way to finish your training for the day!

Should You Do the Finishers?

Before jumping into the finisher, it’s crucial that you complete the main part of your workout first. The main workout is where the real progress happens—it’s structured, personalized, and programmed to help you reach your goals. So, finishers should always be an add-on, not a substitute. If you’re feeling good and have the energy to take on that final challenge, go for it! But if you’ve already given it your all, don’t feel bad about skipping the finisher—it’s entirely optional.

Remember, finishers are just the bonus round. It’s all about listening to your body and doing what feels right for you.